Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Coon It Is

"Why on earth would someone want a raccoon as a pet?" "Don't they have rabies?" "I've heard they attack people and go strait for the throat!" "Is she crazy?"

These are all things you may be asking yourself, and all things that I will cover for you in this blog. I promise, I am not completely crazy. LOL, just slightly eccentric. My reasoning for wanting a raccoon is somewhat selfish, i must admit. Nostalgia does play a part, as I have raised a raccoon, and worked with them as a teen. I have raised and successfully released an opossum, a squirrel, and a raccoon. I was a volunteer at an exotic animal rescue, where i worked with the primates, parrots, got to feed tigers and lions, was chased quite often by the ostrich, and was mobbed by deer at feeding time. 

All this, mixed with my dream of someday opening a menagerie to the public consisting of animals native to Pennsylvania, is why I will be bringing home a raccoon in the spring. And for the past 8 months, I have lived breathed and slept coon. Our research has not been easy, let me tell you. Sure the Internet has a wealth of basic raccoon knowledge, there are plenty of YouTube videos of people with their "orphaned" kit paired with nutty pop music, and there is tons of info on why not to own a raccoon. We found extremely limited info from folks who owned them as pets. 

So I decided that I would share our stories, from finding out laws, and finding a breeder, to the life stages of our very own kit, when he comes home! Hope you find this useful, in making a decision for your family, and if nothing else, hope you find it entertaining! 


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