Friday, February 24, 2012

My Past With Raccoons...

Today I was going through some old pictures and came across these ones of "Teddy", the raccoon I helped raise and rehabilitate. I got him in early spring of 2006, when his little eyes were still closed. A neighbor's son had shot Teddy's mother while she was moving him to a new nest. The neighbor didn't know what to do with Teddy, so she ask if I would take him. I was thrilled to have the opportunity. I kept him for about two months, and then contacted a rehabber, so that Teddy would be able to go back to the wild. I had no way to legally keep him, otherwise I would have. It was hard to let him go, but very rewarding to know that I had given him a fighting chance! He was released by the rehabber, with some other orphans she was raising. I got to play with them as well. Very great experience!!

This is Teddy just a few days after I brought him home. He was so tiny and precious! It took a while to get him eating, since he was so traumatized. 

Here is Teddy playing with the dog. He was probably around 10 weeks old here. Take a look at those claws!

Teddy taking a defensive stance. Practicing being an wild coon!!!

Teddy getting his tummy scratched. He was quite the little cuddle bug!

And the last picture I took of him. What a beautiful little raccoon!

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