Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He's Finally Here

Well, the big news arrived yesterday! I got the call from Mike, at Keystone Exotics, that my little guy was ready when I was. I got off the phone, and thought for a second, and it was decided. I would go to pick him up that evening. By 3pm, my younger brother, Jesse, my daughter Kylee, and I were Sunbury, PA bound. It took 2hrs and 11mins to get there. Mike already had the babies in a carrier, and waiting for me. When he handed me my little ball of fur, my heart imediatly melted. My little kit was well worth the wait, and all the research. I gave Mike the rest of my money, and he handed me the papers. I now leagally own a 5 week old, male raccoon.
I'm still debating on a name for the little fellow. Names are something very important to me, and I can't settle on something too cliche or common. Afterall a name follows you, your whole life.

My little guy has a very healthy appetite. I did end up putting him on KMR, as Mike informed me the babies weren't doing as well as he had hoped on the formula he was using. There are specific measurements of formula to give a kit at certain ages, but after working with baby animals in the past, I pretty much go by feel. I definatly do not reccomend this to people who are new to caring for baby animals. They can over- eat very easily. Right now I am feeding him at 6:45am, 10:45am, 2:45pm, 6:45, and 10:45. Then he eats nothing through the night. He slept wonderful last night. Just heard him russle around a bit. This morning he was raring to have his breakfast. I am still stimulating him to potty a bit, although he goes some of the time on his own. I just want to be sure he's getting everything out.

To stimulate a kit, you must take a warm moist paper towel, and rub the genitals and anus, as the mother would after feedings. When the babies are very young, this is the only way they can go to the bathroom, as they get older though, things start to work on their own. Sounds gross, but hey, it's part of life.

Well, I better get off here now, but I will probly post again tonight, or tomorrow morning. Right now just snuggle time with my little guy. Can't get him off my lap by the way, he's definatly well on his way to being a mama's boy. I hope to get a video up shortly.

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